Track Six: New Dance

Monday 2 October 2023

 Previous Track: DUMDi DUMDi

Still ignoring the box filled with letters from her Family, Cassie headed to bed for the night. Torn between what was the right thing to do. University or seeking out something new and different? Just something about this opportunity in Chestnut Ridge seemed to call out to her. She could still live here in San Sequoia but just travel to Chestnut Ridge a few times a week. That was doable, right?

Drifting off into dreamland, Cassie forgot about everything for a few hours.

Waking up the next morning, there was a feeling of determination to get stuff done. She'd been here in San Sequoia for some time now and hadn't been making as much progress as she hoped. Today was the day to make those decisions and being the kind of person she was knew she was going to take on a lot more than she could manage. 

It seemed daunting but it was time. The box of letters, however, was still something for another day. 

Cassie booted up the computer, put on some music, selected her current favourite song, New Dance, and logged into the university portal. Being someone who was creative, she had already settled on a creative course as such. In fact, settled on the University of Britechester as not only did they have a number of Art-based courses but also had the Arts Society as well. With that, she submitted her applications for possible scholarships and her actual course at Britechester.

The rest of the day was spent doing some shopping for essentials for the house and cleaning. Cassie also treated herself to some new clothes and a new waffle maker! 

The new wardrobe was well overdue and it gave Cassie a sense of newfound freedom. It was the first time in such a long time that she had new clothes, especially ones that she had the ultimate say on. That wasn't the only thing she changed. She took a gamble and even dyed her hair. 

After a quick try-on of all her new clothes, it was time to get organised for her trip out to Chestnut Ridge. This would only be to register her interest in learning to ride and get an idea of what to expect. It was going to be a long day but hopefully worth every moment! 

Hopefully, Cassie will hear back in a few days about the University application she sent. She had her fingers crossed that everything would work out and was feeling positive about everything she had achieved. Only time will tell if it was worth all of the hard work she put in!

Next Track: Coming Soon
